Do Hashtags Really Work?

Hashtags have become a universal symbol for the way individuals interact and communicate on social media.

Initially, they were used to assign and organize information by creating a searchable phrase that linked shared thoughts, ideas, and discussions to similar posts. While the hashtag is still used in this way, it has evolved into an essential element for conveying civil discontent within American society and for the mobilization of progressive movements throughout the United States and beyond (De Kosnik & Feldman, 2019).

The use of hashtags to affect change has strengthened the coordinated efforts of activists.

Hashtag activism provides an opportunity for people to articulate and express their shared experiences regarding socioeconomic matters like racial injustice, gender issues, and corruption.

Hashtag activism

The intentional use of hashtags to encourage social change by allowing citizens to utilize a constitutionally protected platform of influence to participate in a democratic system that has traditionally been inaccessible to ordinary people (Linabary et al., 2020).

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